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About Clear Waterways Organization


Clear Waterways is a California-based organization committed to leading clean up efforts in local communities, working towards habitat restoration, and plastic pollution removal.  Our primary mission is to remove toxic, dangerous and unsightly debris from all waterways, and beaches.  We work to restore the visual appearance of our waterways, and remediate toxic chemical effluents resulting from the breakdown of plastic and treated materials.  

Clear Water Lake



We also work to educate, and instill a passion for preservation with volunteers young and old. We strive to make community partnerships, galvanizing volunteers who help to clean and restore their waterways


Clear Waterways has been a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit since 2014. We are sustained solely through the generous support of people like you, who care deeply about the long-term impact of pollution in our waterways and drainage environments. Please consider donating to support our continued work.

Polluted Beach


Clear Waterways was founded by longtime Santa Barbara resident Tim Kirshtner, who has worked tirelessly to protect the beauty of the central coast for over 36 years. Starting when Tim was ten years old, he started cleaning up the beaches, streams, and waterways.  


His work was recognized in the Montecito Journal who had featured an article called, "The Man Who Hates Trash, " and other articles in the Santa Barbara Independent, such as, " Life, Love, and Garbage." Throughout his years from 1986 to 2014, he was helped with donations to his business called , "The Beach Doctor."  


The Music Academy Of The West, Haley McGuire, and Hadi Makarechian had all taken turns to support his business in helping Montecito stay clean.  Tim expanded his clean ups from Gaviota to Oxnard, seeing that he could do so much more.  With volunteers in safe locations, or on his own in rugged and wet terrain.  In 2014 he founded Clear Waterways Organization. Tim has also worked in his passion for helping to restore native plant habitat, through planting natives, and weed removal.  


For twenty years he gained experience working for Growing Solutions, a Restoration Education Institute.  For many years as a contractor for the State Parks, and Nature Conservancy, he was able to gain experience in native plant restoration, and non-native weed removal.  Numerous successful restoration projects were completed, from the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, and on the coast, from Los Angeles to the Hollister Ranch.  




Our mission is to support clean and healthy waterways and shorelines by leading clean-up efforts in local communities, and by working to remove man-made refuse from beaches, streams, and drains in areas of urban runoff.   READ MORE >>>

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